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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes 4-7-10
5192010_124618_0.pngBolton Parks & Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
7:30 p.m.
Bolton Town Hall, Upstairs
7:30 p.m. – 10:10 p.m.
Next Meeting:
Friday, May 14, 2010, 1:30 p.m. Bolton Town Hall, Downstairs
Invitees / Attendees

 * In Attendance             # Unexpected Absence             @ Expected Absence               + Visitor                 
Karen Regan, chairperson, P&R
Don Lowe, Town Administrator
Joyce Sidopoulos, P&R
Chris Parker, Bolton Youth Baseball
Tom Wildman, P&R
Tom Pokorney, P&R
Susan Greene, P&R

Decision Description
Approved By
  • Approved March 3, 2010; March 19, 2010 and March 26, 2010 meeting minutes
  • Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Approved Bolton Youth Baseball’s proposal for a batting/pitching cage
  • Regan, Wildman, Pokorney
  • Approved the field request for Nashoba Girls Lacrosse for Horse Ring
  • Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman, Pokorney
  • Agreed to add the International Golf Course (IGC) spring and summer golf lessons to the Parks and Recreation supported program schedule
  • Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman, Pokorney
  • Agreed to not add Zumba to the spring/summer program schedule, but will reevaluate the addition of the program if the Commission establishes a fall/winter program schedule.
  • Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman, Pokorney
  • Agreed to email OTHSL representative and Forbush neighbors to get a status on the planting of buffers.
  • Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to close the meeting and not recap budget discussion on portable toilets.
  • Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman,
  • Action Items
Action Item
Due Date
  • Order portable bathroom unit at Horse Ring Field for April and May
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Email Nashoba Girls Lacrosse president and inform her that the field request for Horse Ring had been approved
  • Regan/on behalf of Commission
  • 4/8/10
  • Email Bob Keene of IGC and inform him that the Commission agreed to add their golf program to the spring/summer schedule
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Email Zumba instructor that the Commission agreed to not add her classes to our spring/summer schedule
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Email Kathy Breen and ask for additional details on theater program
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Send BYB schedule to team when posted
  • Sidopoulos
  • TBA
  • Update registration form and create sign for swim lesson registration night
  • Regan
  • 4/12/10
  • Confirm attendance at registration night with specific program heads
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Schedule time with Kathy Breen and Tom Wildman to evaluate equipment needs at Town Beach
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Arrange lifeguard interviews
  • Wildman
  • TBA
  • Contact Ed Sterling to discuss moving the Elderberry Bush to a safer location outside of the Pond Park basin
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Contact DPW regarding the installation of the dock at Persons Park
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Contact Bill Birse, OTHSL and the neighbors at Forbush to learn about the status of the buffer project at Forbush Field
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • As the president of BYSA, Pokorney to email coaches and ask that they have their post-game/practice meetings on the non-fence side of the field – if possible
  • Pokorney, as BYSA president
  • 4/8/10
  • Arrange time with presidents from Nashoba Girls and Boys lacrosse leagues, during season, to evaluate space needs at Horse Ring
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Provide Commission with existing field diagrams for Horse Ring
  • Pokorney
  • 4/8/10
  • Order thank you cards for art students who created Easter backdrop
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Brainstorm ideas for activity at 4th of July event
  • TEAM
  • 5/14/10
  • Post April’s winning photo
  • Regan
  • 4/8/10
  • Agenda/Minutes
  • Review/Approve Minutes
  • Review March 3, 2010; March 19, 2010 and March 26, 2010 meeting minutes and action items.
Sidopoulos, Wildman and Regan reviewed, approved and signed the March 3, 2010; March 19, 2010 and March 26, 2010 meeting minutes.

  • Requests/Proposals/Grievances
  • Group:  Bolton Youth Baseball
Sponsor/Requester:  Chris Parker
Proposal:  Installation of softball batting /pitching cage at Memorial Field.
Description: The batting cage is a 12x55x6 batting cage.  It will be positioned against the woods on the Wattaquadoc side of Memorial Field.
Attached:  Proposal furnished by Mr. Parker.
Action:  The Parks and Recreation Commission to review the proposal and vote on allowing BYB to move forward with the project.  
Vote needed
Regan informed Commission that Sidopoulos would present the BYB’s proposal for a batting/pitching cage on behalf of Chris Parker, who was unable to attend.  Pokorney objected and asked Lowe if this was allowed, being that Sidopoulos was a member of the Commission.  Sidopoulos injected that she intended to step down as a Commissioner and did not plan to cast a vote on the project, which she had previously discussed with Regan.  Lowe continued that this was the appropriate approach and that if we were to be by the letter of the law, Sidopoulos should remove herself from the meeting after her presentation so the Commission could discuss and vote.  Sidopoulos had no issue with removing herself from the meeting.

 Sidopoulos presented the plan for a 12’x55’6’ batting/pitching cage. The cage would be on the Wattaquadoc-side of Memorial Field against the tree line.  It is a permanent structure, but the nets come down and will be removed and stored after each season.   According to Sidopoulos, the primary driver for the cage was safety with the cage providing a controlled environment for pitching and batting as well as preventing kids from recovering balls from the woods (which are thick with Poison Ivy).  Surfside Fence will do the work.  This is the same vendor who put in the backstop.  

Regan: What other groups have approved the proposal so far?
Sidopoulos:  ConComm and the Building Inspector.  We are waiting to hear back from the Planning Board on a variance because we learned we are within the 50’ buffer.  Once we have that approval, along with P&R, then we will take it to the Selectmen.  
Wildman: Did the Conservation Commission say they have to file a determination?
Sidopoulos: It’s already been done.  Carol [Gumbart] put it under a determination.  
Pokorney:  Isn’t there already a cage on the field?
Sidopoulos: Yes, but it’s on the other side of the field.
Regan:  But this cage is primarily for softball, whereas the other cage is for baseball?
Sidopoulos: Right, this is a softball batting/pitching cage.
Wildman: Can you see it from the street?
Sidopoulos: Not really.
Wildman: Who will be responsible for ongoing maintenance?
Sidopoulos: BYB will be responsible for the maintenance.

Regan asked the Commission if they had any other questions for Sidopoulos. Wildman and Pokorney responded no, so Sidopoulos removed herself from the room.  The motion was made by Wildman, “contingent on the approval from the Planning Board on the variance, the Parks and Recreation Commission moves to approve the proposal from Bolton Youth Baseball for a pitching and batting cage.  Pokorney seconded the motion.  Wildman, Pokorney and Regan voted in favor of the proposal.

  • Field Scheduling
  • Nashoba Girls Lacrosse
  • Request for field time at Horse Ring and portable bathroom at field (paid by league through Town account)
Sidopoulos explained that Nashoba Lacrosse and the Nashoba Girls Lacrosse were two separate leagues.  The girls’ league was playing at NRHS and being charge $25/hr for field use.  Given that all the other town fields were fully booked for the season, Sidopoulos walked Horse Ring and Sheep Field with the Girls Lacrosse president, who felt the fields were adequate.  The president requested use of Horse Ring for April and May on the following days/times:
  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

  • Saturdays
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

  • Sundays
12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wildman added that we should be clear on the parking situation since the Town does not have access through Flatly Field.  Sidopoulos said she spoke with DPW and there is parking available at the Sheep Field.  The team agreed that the parking information should be included in the email confirmation to the Nashoba Girls Lacrosse coach.  Regan said that Carol [Gumbart] had requested walking Horse Ring with the Commission.  Pokorney added that he had a map of the property with a field diagram.  Regan asked that he please share the documents with the team prior to arranging time with Gumbart for a site walk. Pokorney agreed to send.  Regan said it would be beneficial for the whole Commission to attend so everyone is familiar with the fields.

Sidopoulos made the motion to approve the field request for Nashoba Girls Lacrosse for Horse Ring for April and May on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.; Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; and Sundays from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Regan seconded the motion.  Vote: 4-0 in favor.

Sidopoulos also said that the president of Nashoba Girls Lacrosse had requested a portable toilet at Horse Ring. Sidopoulos explained that there was no budget available for the town to support service at Horse Ring.  The president of Lacrosse agreed to pay for a portable unit at Horse Ring for April and May. Wildman made the motion that the Parks and Recreation Commission would facilitate portable bathroom use by Nashoba Girls Lacrosse at Horse Ring Field to be paid for by Nashoba Girls Lacrosse.  Sidopoulos seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 in favor.

Although the FY11 budget has the funds allocated for Derby, Memorial and Forbush, it appears that there will be requests for service at fields that were not factored into the budget (i.e., Horse Ring, Tower).  Wildman suggested implementing a better process for leagues that request a portable unit, but who are paying for it out of their own funds.  The Commission agreed.  Regan said that the town needs to be aware and approve the placement of units on public fields and that the leagues can’t just decide alone how many units they rent, how long they are on the property and where they are located.  Wildman and Sidopoulos agreed; Pokorney disagreed.  Sidopoulos suggested that this should be part of the rules and regulations.  Wildman and Regan agreed.

  • Programs
  • Addition of golf program by IGC (for spring and summer).  Vote needed.
Commission discussed the addition of golf lessons to spring/summer schedule.  The Commission decided to add the program, invite IGC to the registration night on April 12 and to not charge a sponsorship fee given that they are managing registration, providing the location and supplying the needed equipment.

Wildman made the motion to add the IGC golf program to the spring and summer schedule, add the information to the P&R website and invite IGC to the registration night with no sponsorship fee.  Regan seconded the motion.  Vote: 4-0.

  • Addition of Zumba program (for spring and summer).  Vote needed.
The Commission was in favor of adding Zumba as a town supported program, but felt that there was not enough time to pull it together  for the spring/summer schedule.  The Commission discussed offering programs in the fall/winter and will invite the Zumba instructor to participate, if the Commission moves forward with the fall/winter programs.  Sidopoulos made the motion to not add Zumba to the spring/summer program.  Regan seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 in favor.  Regan to contact instructor and inform her of the Commission’s decision.

  • Theater Program – Jan. /Feb. 2012. Vote needed.
The Commission felt that they did not have enough information on what the program would entail at this time to make a decision on whether to support it as a P&R program. Regan to ask Kathy Breen to provide a brief plan for review so the Commission can better determine if this is a program that P&R should support.  Wildman suggested that this may be a program better suited for the Arts Council to help sponsor.  Commission agreed to table vote and conversation until they had more information on the program.

  • Walking Program – Update on BYB schedule.
Sidopoulos to provide Regan with the BYB schedule.

  • Swim Lessons – Volunteers for registration night (April 12)
  • Discuss how to improve registration process.
  • Regan discussed some shortcomings of the 2009 registration process and shared ideas, from her experience, on how it could be improved.  Regan circulated the registration sheets for comments and Sidopoulos suggested adding the cost for each level to make sure everyone knew what to charge.  Wildman suggested printing a sign for the door reminding people of the documents they need to have completed to register.  Regan to make the sign and update registration sheets accordingly.  Regan asked who planned to attend to help with registration.  Sidopoulos and Wildman confirmed they would attend and Pokorney said he didn’t know.
  • Yoga – Volunteers for registration night (April 12)
Regan informed the Commission that there were still a lot of openings for the different yoga sessions and that we should reconsider the sponsorship fee we are charging Kathy Breen if it does not pick up.  Wildman and Sidopoulos agreed; Pokorney had no reaction.   Wildman, Sidopoulos and Regan will wait until the summer sessions begin before making a decision on whether to change the sponsorship fee or not.

  • Confirm participation at registration night (April 12) with: Steve Winer, Ellen Peck and David Cudmore.
  • Regan to confirm with program heads that they will attend the registration night.
  • Discuss extending the duration of the April 12 registration night.
  • Commission decided to not extend the registration night.
  • Parks, Fields and Facilities
  • Town Beach
  • Organize spring pond clean up/set date.
  • Set volunteer day for Pond Clean Up on date for May 22 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Schedule time and assign commissioner to evaluate equipment needs (buoys, swim lesson equipment, first aid kit, lifeguard equipment)
  • Regan shared that she had visited the pond early that day and evaluated the equipment.  Regan went through the list with rough estimates on items that would need to be replaced.  Regan and Wildman to schedule time with Breen to evaluate swim instruction equipment and rescue equipment and Regan to prioritize list for review at May P&R meeting.
  • Lifeguards
  • Regan informed the Commission that they had received applications from 5-6 qualified candidates for the lifeguard position.  With two semi-full time and one fill-in guards returning, the Commission agreed that we would need two additional guards to provide coverage for the 2010 summer season.  
  • Review lifeguard applications/schedule interviews.  
  • Wildman to schedule interviews and include swim instructor, Kathy Breen.  Regan to also attend to answer questions with regard to the beach. Regan to email Wildman the current schedule with the current/returning guards’ hours included.
  • Set lifeguard meeting date
  • The lifeguard meeting date is May 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.  
  • Review lifeguard checklist and responsibilities list
  • Regan circulated lifeguard checklist and responsibilities list for review.  Wildman and Sidopoulos approved the document.  Pokorney chose to not review the document.  
  • Determine if shifts should be split into two during swim lessons.
  • The Commission agreed to split the shifts during swim lessons.  However, if a guard wanted to work both shifts, Regan stated that there are no laws preventing them to work that number of hours.  Pokorney disagreed, but Regan assured him she researched this fact on the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation; the Massachusetts Red Cross and Massachusetts Department of Labor websites.
  • Pond Park
  • Complete clean up – set date and organize volunteer day.
  • Agreed to arrange the volunteer day in the fall.  Commission to set date at a later meeting.
  • Discuss renovation project.
  • Relocating Elderberry Tree.
  • Regan to contact Ed Sterling to find out his plans for relocating the Elderberry bush.
  • Persons Park
  • Schedule onsite with building inspector.  Secure renovation schedule.
  • Commission to wait until the new members join to see if anyone would be interested in heading this project.
  • Contact DPW regarding dock.
  • Regan to contact the DPW regarding dock.
  • Forbush Mill Field
  • Tree Buffers – status
Regan said that she had already received complaints regarding Forbush, specifically Sunday morning play by the Over the Hill Soccer League (OTHSL).  Regan said that although P&R does not have jurisdiction over the field, we are responsible for the use of the field.  She continued that the buffers directly affect how the field will be used and it would be good to get in front of this before there are any problems.  Sidopoulos suggested emailing Bill Birse, OTHSL, and copying the Beckers and Fosters, asking the status of the buffer project.  

Wildman asked what was agreed and Regan said that during the Nov. 3 meeting, the Beckers and Birse agreed to coordinate a fundraising and volunteer effort to plant the tree buffers between the neighbors’ homes and Forbush Field.  Sidopoulos said that we had agreed to allocate the money in our donation account toward the buffers.  Pokorney said that was never decided.  Regan said that it was not voted on, but discussed, and that the Commission was in favor of allocating those funds, but would wait until the project was planned before making the formal vote.  Pokorney stated that the donation funds were to be put toward the portable toilet deficit.  Regan said that was never discussed or voted on by the Commission.  Sidopoulos added that if the buffer project did not move forward, the Commission had agreed that they would revisit the hours of operation on Sunday for organized sports.
NOTE:  At this point of the meeting (9:10 p.m.) Sidopoulos asked Pokorney if he was recording the meeting.  Pokorney responded, “Yes.”  Regan stated that he is required to announce and make public if he plans to record a meeting.  
  • Wildman made the motion that the chairperson would contact the neighbors and Bill Birse to find out the status of the buffer project.  Motion seconded by Sidopoulos. Vote:  4-0 in favor.
  • Discuss request for teams to huddle on wood side of field.  
  • Regan informed the Commission that she received a complaint that teams were having their post-practice meetings at the fence-side of the field.  The neighbor asked if there was any reason that the team could not meet on the other side of the field.  Pokorney stated that they do not huddle in soccer.  Regardless of what it is called, said Regan, is there any reason it cannot be done on the other side of the field?  Sidopoulos suggested that Pokorney, as BYSA president, should send a note to the coaches to meet on the other side of the field (the woods-side) for their post game/practice meetings.  Pokorney, as BYSA president, agreed to send the email.
  • Horse Ring
  • Arrange site walk with conservation, DPW and lacrosse organization (Nashoba girls and boys leagues)
  • Regan said she will coordinate a walk for the Commission to evaluate Horse Ring as a permanent location for the lacrosse league.
Wildman stated that there appears to be a need for more field space and asked Pokorney if he was involved with the procurement of the Forbush Field and how the process worked.  Pokorney responded that he was and he continued that an article needed to be created to buy it and then an article needed to be created to develop it as a field.  

Regan suggested that since Don Lowe was in attendance that the Commission should defer to him on the process for procuring land to be developed as a playing field.  Lowe stated that first, the Commission would need to approach the land owner and work out a tentative agreement.  That agreement would then need to be brought to the selectmen for review.  If the selectmen approved the agreement, an article would need to be drafted for the town warrant and it would be voted on by the town and the project at that point would be either approved/disapproved.

  • 2010 Events
  • Discuss new ideas for events/activities for 2010
  • Update on Open Space and Rec Plan (site walk of open space).
Easter Recap
  • Regan circulated the event recap from Easter.  The recap showed that the event, as expected, exceeded its budget of $200.  The actual cost of the event was $468.62, $268.62 over budget.  Pokorney asked where the money came from if our budget was so tight.  Regan responded that the Commission had discussed this expected shortfall prior to the event and tried to solicit a donation from a local business. When that fell through, the Commission planned to request more money from the Advisory Committed to ensure that we could provide for the crowd we were expecting.  The $200 would not cover the needs for the 250-300 children expected to attend.  Regan said that since Susan Greene did not, and did not plan to submit her expenses from Halloween, there were considerable funds that we could tap to cover the increased expense of the Easter event.  Pokorney responded that he did not know Greene didn’t submit her expenses.  Regan continued that since that money was put back in our event budget, we were well within our means.  Regan said she will create thank you cards using the picture of the backdrop taken by Wildman’s daughter.  Regan, Sidopoulos and Wildman decided that they would need five cards.  The card cost would not be covered by town funds.
  • Events by Month
April Events
  • Registration Night – April 12
May Events
  • Memorial Day Observance
  • Wildman asked what was expected from P&R for Memorial Day support.  Pokorney said that we just provide coffee and donuts.  Wildman asked how many people we should expect.  Pokorney said that Sidopoulos should contact Michele Borsari as she ran the event last year.  Regan said Bosari did not run the event last year.  Pokorney disagreed and Regan replied that Bosari was not on P&R at that time.  Pokorney said that was right and that he were there and Regan responded that he didn’t go either.  Regan continued that Pokorney was supposed to cover the event, but had left early to mow the fields at Forbush.  Regan said that, as a result, the Commission did not provide refreshments to those attending the observance in 2010.  Regan agreed to contact the Memorial Day Observance event coordinator and get the details needed to support the event.
June Events
July Events
  • 4th of July
  • Regan said that Daniel Teague contacted her regarding any ideas the Commission had on events we could support during the 4th of July event.  Regan suggested something fun and athletic like an obstacle course.  The Commission agreed to brainstorm different ideas to suggest for the Fourth of July event.
August Events
September Events
  • Road Race and Festival
  • Review email for festival participation.
  • Received an email from a woman who is interested in helping to organize the race.  
  • The Commission agreed to arrange a meeting with those interested in organizing the race in May and with those interested in the festival in early-June.  Once the race logistics are determined, it will be easier to figure out the festival plan.
  • Halloween Parade and Party
  • Commission agreed to start the Halloween planning as early as August.
  • Communications
  • Website
  • Recommended changes or updates.
  • Vote on “photo of the month.”
The photo of the prized basket winner.
  • Adding a “What do you want to see from P&R” link to get info from the community on the types of programs, events, facilities, fields they would like to see.
Commission agreed to the idea to add a “what do you want to see from P&R” link.

  • Admin
  • Treasurers Report
Wildman, commission treasurer, provided an overview of the budget.  The Commission has $50 allocated for the Memorial Day Observance and $200 projected for equipment needs.  Pokorney started asking questions about the Commission’s decision to limit the number of portable toilets at the town’s fields for the remainder of FY10.  The Commission felt that this discussion had already been closed and that the answers Pokorney needed could be found in the minutes from the meetings at which these decisions had been made. Wildman made the motion to  close the meeting.  Regan seconded the motion.  Vote: 3 in favor.  Pokorney did not vote.
  • Expenses
Finalize Roles and Responsibilities document
  • Discuss adding team bios to website
  • Intro kit for new commissioners
  • Other Business